Essential Oil Tools and Supplies You Should Have to Start Using Essential Oils

Essential oils have a multitude of uses and benefits. But with those uses and benefits you’ll also need a few necessary tools and supplies to be able to use your essential oils to their maximum potentials. 

Beginners List of Essential Oil Tools and Supplies

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I’ve created a list of items you may want to obtain and included a link to Amazon for each one. Each of these items I have personally used and/or recommend. Full disclosure here since this post is all about products I use and/or recommend, these are affiliated links and I may make a small commission, if you were to click through and make a purchase. 

Lets get started!

Educational Books

I have two books that I refer to all the time. I love them both.

The first, Essential Oil Safety (2nd edition) by Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, is chock full of information down to the constituents the essential oils are made of and full of safety information. It is a bit pricey but it’s a huge college like book. The book itself has no fluff, it’s a bit dry of a read, and gets technical quite often so if you don’t like to read stuff like this you might want to pass. But if you are serious about essential oils then this is a book worth every penny.

The next book I refer to often is The Complete Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness by Nerys Purchon and Lora Cantele. This book is way easier to read then Tisserands book. It has tons of information in it, including a explanation of the most popular essential oils and their properties. You’ll also find information about hydrosols, carrier oils and infused oils. It provides remedies and recipes too. You can’t go wrong with this book.

Diffusers & Inhalers

A diffuser is highly recommended to get the most passive use out of your oils. An ultrasonic diffuser is my preferred diffuser of choice. It has a ceramic disk that vibrates super-fast to create an ultrasonic mist that disperses your essential oils. Here are a few that I recommend.

A personal inhaler is really a magical thing! I love these as they are great for inhalation on the go when you can’t be near your diffuser. These are shaped like a lipstick tube. A cotton wick is on the inside which you would apply your essential oils to and has a inhalation nose piece with a cap. It usually last six weeks to two months, but it’s reusable so that’s a plus.

Essential Oil Containers

Having a rollerball bottle with a steel ball is almost essential when using essential oils. The idea behind these is that you put a few drops of oil according to the recipe you are using into the rollerball bottle and top it off with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil. These provide a quick and efficient way to apply oils to specific areas of you body. For instance, if you had a headache, you could apply essential oils prediluted from your rollerball to your forehead or nape of neck to get the benefits of the oil. You want a steel ball versus a plastic one because essential oils will eat away at the plastic ball. You’ll want more than one so here is a six pack that I have used. 

Once you’ve gotten familiar with essential oils, you’ll find all sorts of way to use them. This kit has an assortment of amber colored glass containers. You want to store anything you make in a glass container, as essential oils break down plastic. This kit has spray bottles in assorted sizes and rollerball bottles. It also comes with stickers to label your bottles, a couple pipettes, a small funnel, and an orifice remover. It’s the perfect starter kit.

Keep Reading: Why Does Lemon Essential Oil Eat Plastic?

Carrier Oils

Everyone also mentions dilution when it comes to essential oils, and you should dilute! It’s imperative to protect your skin for sensitization, skin irritations or burns from essential oils. Fractionated coconut oil (FCO) is what I started with and used for the longest time before I branched out to other carrier oils. FCO is scentless and absorbs well. If you prefer, jojoba oil is my second choice as its super great for the skin. Carrier oils are simply that, something to carry your essential oils. This allows maximum reach when using them on your skin and allows the best penetration.

Other Essential Oil Tools and Supplies

An essential oil orifice remover is a key like item that helps you remove the plastic dropper from your essential oil bottle. It’s also helpful for pushing the rollerball stopper onto the bottle. I use one like below now. I used to have a plastic one, but it would bend to much for my liking.

Pipettes. These are little plastic droppers that make it easier to get thicker essential oils like vetiver out of their bottle if you take off the orifice dropper from the bottle. They are one time use since the essential oils will eat away at this plastic.

You also might want some cute stickers to label your essential oil creations with. If you’re like me you’ll end up with multiple bottles of blends and spray bottles, so having stickers for them will make life easier. 

Storage Boxes

I strongly recommend storing your essential oils in a box of some sort. For the longest time I kept mine in a cardboard gift/hat box until I found a wooden box designed specifically for essential oils. The benefit to storing your oils in a box is it keep them out of harms way from sunlight exposure, which will shorten the life of your essential oils. The one I have is different from the ones listed below but the basics are the same. 

Using Essential Oils Safely – Lea Jacobson

Subscription to Lea Jacobson Using Essential Oils Safely. (affiliate link) This is a must have for anyone is who is new to essential oils. For starters there is a free membership to the Using Essential Oils Safely Learning Center. It contains a wealth of information such as recipes, interactions, topical and inhaling use, shelf life of essential oils and so much more. Once you’ve absorbed all that great essential oil stuff, you can join her club, the Using Essential Oils Safety VIP Club (affiliate link) has so much more! Classes, essential oil safety profiles, more recipes and so much more. 

So there you have it. I my recommended list of essential oil tools and supplies you will need in your essential oil journey.

Is there a tool you recommend that not on this list? Let me know in the comments!

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